I want to tell her she looks fabulous

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Male
Before I ask this....I shall first apologise...becouse I think that this questoin has been asked a thousand times...

I see a girl that i like....i don't know her and neither does she....now......i want to go up to her and tell her that see looks FABULES...but i cant.....i'll get a bit nervous when girls talk to me.....what must i say to them when i see them...or...how should i ack when they respond...and how do i have to stay relaxed when i talk to a girl.... please help me :)

RomanceClass.com Advice
First, I really think you need to choose a new way to approach the girl!! If you just stroll up and say "you look fabulous!" what is she supposed to say? "Thank you, even though most of this is genes and I didn't have any choice about who my parents were"? It also sort of means you've been staring at her a lot, like a stalker, which is sort of unsettling. It's not like you're going up to a woman you know at a dance and complimenting her on her look, which she would appreciate. You're walking up to a stranger and using that as a 'way to get to know her better'. It's just not a good way to start.

Girls want to be appreciated for what they really are. Yes, they want to feel pretty. But they also want to feel appreciated for everything else. Girls don't like to be thought of as sex objects, that someone just likes because of their body shape. So instead of just focussing on her body, learn more about HER. What does she like? What movies does she enjoy? What music does she enjoy?

Then, when you walk by her sometime, you've got something to *talk* about. You could say, "Hey, I heard you like XXXX. They just put out a new CD, and I think the song YYYY is really great. What did you think?" She can't give a yes-or-no quick answer. She is drawn into responding. Now you're talking about something she really enjoys, and she can say she has heard it, or what's it like? You've got her talking about something that interests her, which will naturally make her happy, and would be something she can keep talking about.

Again, if you just walk up and say "Hi your body is sexy", there's not much she can say to that.

Yes, once you get to be friends with her, it'd certainly be nice to tell her you think she's pretty. She will appreciate that coming from a friend. But now she'll know that's just *one reason* why you like her - instead of it seeming like the *only reason*.

-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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