My Girlfriend is Depressed
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Malemy g/f and I have been going out for 5 months now, and she is going through depression, I want to help her and get her out of this bad stage of her life. how can I do it!? AdviceDepression can be a pretty serious thing, and can be caused by lack of vitamins or other "real" medical issues. It's not something you can just talk a person through and say "feel better". They simply don't feel happy. You really should talk to her parents or teacher or someone that can help her through it. It's certainly no fun to go through life depressed, especially when it's beyond your control.
Think of it as if you saw that she had a giant leech stuck on her arm, and that every day she was in pain. Sure, you could tell her "just ignore the pain!" but that doesn't work. You have to get her somewhere where a doctor can get that leech off her arm. Once that is done, she WILL feel better. But you need to get her to someone that can help out first.
-- from Jenn
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