Feelings for a room-mate
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old FemaleHi! I am a college student that lives in an apartment with four of my friends. ther are two boys that live upstairs and we knew thIem both before we moved in. There is one guy who i've been thinking about as more than a friend for the past two months or so. We are really good friends and I know that he used to feel the same way about me too, he just never said anything. I approached him not too long ago about how I felt. The only catch was is that he had just started seeing someone. We both decided it would be best to stay friends because of the fact that we basically lived together, and it was too much all at once. There is one more catch, I am not physically attracted to him, but I love his personality! I don't believe that he is still dating this girl. What should I do?
RomanceClass.com AdviceMy advice is to stay friends with him and not try for more. As you mentioned, you already live together and that would cause trouble for you and your room-mates if you started dating. Secondly, you say you are not physically attracted to him... if you want a romantic relationship with him you have to have a physical attraction... that's just the way it works (in my opinion anyway). So, again, keep things the way they are and wait for someone you like in all ways.
Good luck,
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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