Losing virginity

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
Ok, I've read a lot of questions about losing your virginity. I have heard the older you are the more pain you feel. I have always been active with sports such as softball and basketball it's no horseback riding but it's still active. I am 23 and haven't played in a while and yes at 23 I'm still a virgin. I have been seeing this guy for about a month, we constantly talk on the phone gone out practically every night and tomorrow we discussed renting a room and possibly having sex. I'm scared, nervous, anxious and excited all at the same time. My question is I plan on waiting for him in a bubblebath and thinking about losing my virginity there, how can I go about that? I was melested when I was five years old but the doctor said that it didn't enter me completely but I'm hoping my 'thin skin' is broken already so that the pain isn't that severe.

RomanceClass.com Advice
The odds are very good that you will feel minimal pain. If you do feel a lot of pain and the hymen won't break go to your gynecologist and have him surgically deal with it. But that *very* unlikely to be the case.

Your idea of making love in a bubble bath should work ok if you have a room with a large tub or a spa in it. If it is a normal tub, I wouldn't recommend it until you have some practice making love. It's not as easy as it sounds :)

If you are worrying about bleeding on the motel bed, just bring along a towel which you are willing to throw out if it gets bloody. If you are shy about being nude, tell your partner that you want to make the room as dark as posssible.

Good luck and I hope you have a good experience!

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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