Is she cheating?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
Is my girlfriend cheating? It's like the past couple days she's been acting real touchy when I mention a subject or ask "what she's been doing" or "where she's been?". A Lot lately we'll be talking on the phone and she'll tell me she will call me back and it's like an hour and a half or 2 hours before she calls back. Normally I give it about an hour before I try to call her back but when I try to call back during the time the line is busy. And I can't say if she's lying or not about who she's been on the phone with. She also just recently made a new female friend at her new school and her friend doesn't exactly have the best reputation around the neighborhood from what I hear. But she's been hanging out with her a lot lately over her house and I'm not exactly comfotable with with that seeing how the girl has 7 brothers, although she does call me from over there. Her friend asked me to call her the other day if I got these passes to a club. I did so when I got the passes, then the next day when my girl found out I had called she was like "You called my friend last night, Don't call her, I don't want you talking to her, don't call her house for nothing even if I am over there" I asked "what if you call me and I need 2 call u back?", she responded with "I don't care don't call, if I say I'm going call you back then I'll call back and if I don't then you'll just have to wait til I get home" Also the other day she was suppose to go over her friend's house after school but the night before she told me she wasn't going to go because she wanted to spend time with me and she wanted me to meet her at her house when she got home from school. I did that and when she came home she had a bad attitude, was blowing me off and left out the house. When I asked where we was going she replied "I'm going to my friend's house" then I asked "I thought we were going to spend time together so you cancelling the plans now" and she replied "No, I'm going with the plans I had originally planned". Then finally the other day we're talking and she says "I don't know what's wrong, it's like my feelings towards you are changing, it's not bad, I love and I do want to be with you but I can't explain why I'm feeling like this" She also made the hint she think it's because we've seen each other everyday for the past week and a half and she not use to that. But I feel like if you say you want to marry some one and be with them seeing someone everyday should be no problem because that's how it is when you get married. So that really raised the question in my head "Is She Cheating or has she cheated and is starting to feel guilty?" Advice
She is probably going through a phase and needs some space. Why not back off a little and lessen the pressure she must be feeling.

Once you get closer again, you need to start the art of communications, one of the most important parts of a good relationship. Trust is another important thing in relationships, so you should work on that now.

Hope you have good luck!

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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