Did my Girlfriend Cheat on Me?
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old MaleMy girlfriend has cheated on me before and last night her ex-boyfriend spent the night over her house and he keep on grabbing her hips and every. she told him to stop but he would not do you think she had sex with him?
RomanceClass.com AdviceWell first, of course, only two people know the answer to that. Your girlfriend and her ex. So you need to sit down with her, not in a confrontational way, but in a trusting and understanding way. A relationship is based on trust, and you should always be able to discuss any topic. So she needs to feel that you trust her enough that she can tell you the truth. And YOU need to trust her enough that, what she tells you, you believe.
The other issue is with the ex's behavior. It's fine staying in touch with exs. Many, many people do this, it's rather healthy. But if the ex does not respect the fact that your girlfriend has a new relationship, he is abusing his friendship with her. Friends do NOT push friends into situations they don't want to be in. She might find the attention sort of flattingering - probably any human would. But she has made a decision to be with you. Either the ex respects that, and does not pressure her, or he is not a friend any more, and does not deserve to be let around her.
That's a decision she really has to make. If you start pushing her to do things, the relationship is going to have trouble. Nobody likes being pushed around, even if it's for the right reasons. But talk to her, and explain that the ex is abusing her trust. That she deserves respect, and your *relationship* deserves respect. You need to show her that you respect her, and that you respect the relationship, and that you would want her to do the same.
Good luck!
-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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