I'd like to get to know him even better, but I'm kind of old-fashioned
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old FemaleI work as a secretary in law office. A new young attorney moved to town about 8 months ago. He seems to be on the shy side, which is difficult sometimes because I'm shy myself. He just started coming in our office more often a few months ago. I thought he was cute, but our conversation was pretty much "professional" until one day I decided to change that. When he came in that day, I asked him how he was liking his new job, the town, etc. He loves the job, but is bored on in our small town. We spoke a while and I found out he had no connections here when he moved. So, basically, he has no friends here and knows very few people outside work...basically just people related to his work. I myself spend quite a few weekends looking for something to do and someone to hang out with. Maybe I'm crazy, but why are both of us spending lonely weekends apart when we could at least be hanging out as friends. He's been in my office several times since then. I've seen him out at town once on the weekend. We stood and talked for a while (again, I initiated conversation). He was really nice and joked around and offered personal info about himself that I didn't ask for. Since I'm shy, though, I ended up getting nervous and just saying I needed to go. That was my bad. He repeatedly mentions being bored on the weekend when he's in our office. I try to drop hints that I'm lonley and bored too. When he comes in now, there's usually more converstation than just "hey, how are you?" Not long ago, I mentioned wanting to go to a ballgame one weekend but none of my friends could go. He said he'd "like to do that some time." The next Monday when he came in, he asked if I went to the game. I thought it was nice that he remembered. He told me he had a boring weekend babysitting his parents dogs.
One thing I'm not sure about....there's a older gentleman at his office who delivers paperwork, etc. to our office. Instead of sending his paperwork with the man, he seems to usually bring it by himself. He also offers to come by and pick up paperwork from our attorneys here. Sometimes he drops something by and ends up coming back later the same day or maybe the next day saying "he forgot to leave something else." He did this yesterday again. He wouldn't have had time to get back to his office so the paperwork had to have been in his car when he dropped the first off. Of course, he does seem scatter brained sometimes...as he left, he mentioned the reason he came in so often being "the pleasant company here." One day he mentioned "finding all sorts of reasons to come by." Not too long ago, we talked for some time when he came in. I was alittle confused on his body language. He would turn completely away from me (i'm sitting down behind counter-he's standing up). I would figure he was un-interested, so I decided not to initiate the next bit of speaking. Just when I would think the converstation was over he'd turn back around and start talking again. He kept doing it. I didn't ask him a question to get him to turn back. He just kept turning back to me on his own and speaking. Sometimes he'd come closer...sometimes mess with his briefcase and stuff.
I'd like to get to know him even better, but I'm kind of old-fashioned. I like the guy to do the asking. But, I also know he seems to be alittle shy. It's just so silly for us to both spend our weekends lonely! IS he interested in me at all? Some days I think maybe so, and then other days I wonder why someone like him would want me??? Can I ask him out? Maybe to a ball game or cook-out with a group? WHAT do I do? I'm shy and unless I psyche myself out, I usually end up either being mute when a guy is around or I try to speak and feel like my tongue turns to mush! HELP!?!
RomanceClass.com AdviceHe clearly is interested in you and seems to be shy.
Why not build up some courage and ask him out? You only have one life to live so you better start living it now!
He has made a lot of advances to you, he is just waiting for you to do the same for him.
His back turning is just shyness.
Good luck!!
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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