I feel like she is only busy when it comes to spending time with me
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleOk my girlfriend and I have just recently gotten back together. She has a baby and works during the day so the time we share together isn't often. Everytime I ask her when I'll see her again, she always say that she doesn't really know that she is really busy. I do understand how, but I feel like she is only busy when it comes to spending time with me because she has spent the night with her friend, went to pre-graduation party with the same friend, and is going to the lake with the same friend and some co-workers either today or tomarrow. It's like she has all this free time with everyone but me. I just got to know what should I do? I've tried talking to her about it, but she just gets angry and thinks I'm telling her not to have friends. I need help!
RomanceClass.com AdviceYou will need to figure out some compromise on the time issue.
How often do you want to see her? Does spending time with her and the baby work for you? Would twice a week be enough?
You have to figure out how often is enough and present it to her as an idea. Don't even mention her friends since that seems to be a sore subject.
Suggest some ideas about going out with the baby, that will help her get out of the house and have fun with you. Going to the park, taking a ride, going to the zoo. These are inexpensive things you could do together.
I hope this works out for you!
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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