I've actually been kind of watching the situation and hoping she breaks up with her boyfriend
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleThere's this girl I met last school year, and I got to know her really well by talking to her before/after classes and in the hallway and what not. We became friends, and if I didn't talk to her one day she would even start to worry that I was ignoring her or something. We would work on projects together during class/after school together, stuff like that. Poke around, goof off, make little jokes about eachother, you get the picture. It seemed like she liked me(to me anyway), and although I'm not the type of person who easily falls for someone, and there's really only been about 2 girls I've liked enough to even consider asking out, for whatever reason, I completely fell for her. Eventually I worked myself up to the point that I was ready to ask her out, and that's when I found out from a mutual aquaintance that she had a boyfriend who she had been going out with for about 7 months. This was about 3-4 months ago.
I don't know, it kind of devastated me finding this out, and I really didn't want to try and interfere with her current relationship. I actually did "kind of" end up telling her that I like her, but she didn't really take it that seriously and I just kind of backed down and joked it off. I've pretty much been at a loss since then. I've tried to get her off of my mind, but she's been all I can really think about. Other than that I guess I've actually been kind of watching the situation and hoping she breaks up with her boyfriend(terrible, I know, but...) so I can have my chance, but I don't know if this will even happen, and it's tearing me apart in the meantime. This guy lives pretty far away, so I don't really have any way of knowing how their relationship is going besides through her, and she hardly ever talks about him to me. I haven't actually talked to her in about a month now, but with school starting up again next week, I'll start to see her more often most likely.
Agh! I just don't know what to do. I can't seem to just get over her, and waiting around hoping for a chance is killing me inside. I realize it's no good to be coveting someone else's girl and all, but I was like completely in love with this girl before I even found out about that, and now I can't seem to get over her no matter how hard I try. Any ideas?
RomanceClass.com AdviceAbout the only thing to do in a situation like this is to remain a very good friend with her and hope that she and her boyfriend break up.
You should build up the courage to tell her you care for her (in a gentle and non-threatening way) even though she has a boyfriend. This will protect you from her breaking up with the other guy and this immediately jumping to a new guy.
Good luck!
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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