Should I remain physically close to her (hold her close, etc) or just create a friendship bubble

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
Ok, I've known this girl in another country for 10 years. She was young and really into me but we only really had about 2 weeks a year together when I went to her country. (I had family there in the same city). We continued to stay in contact and go when we were together but we were never "offically bf/gf" due to the distance and time issues. Then there was a 2yr gap when I broke things off with her but I managed to come back into her life. (I realized that I loved her just as deeply). Whenever we go out we sit close to eachother, hold hands at the dinner table (bf/gf stuff). But now that I've actually MOVED to this country and started to build a life here, so we could actually be together...she says she wants to remain friends. We were NEVER strictly friends, I kissed and massaged her back...I should think that is beyond the "friends" line. We've known each other very long and get along great, I know there is still a stong bond between us and I do love her. (she says she loves me too...but maybe her romantic interest in me has fadded??) But what gives? We remain physically and mentally close but she now doesnt want to become "offical bf/gf" and just wants to be "friends". She of course says that she never wants to lose our friendship. Its bad timing for us, she was in love with me but I broke it off, now I am in love with her but she doesnt love me the same way now (supposedly).

I need to know: 1-Should I continue to remain physically close to her (hold her close, hold hands, etc) or just create a "friendship bubble" and keep my distance?

I want to continue what we have (physical intimacy included) in the hopes that her feelings might change for me or when she is ready to make our relationship official (if that is truly the case).

In the mean time, I will continue to persue other women and my career here...but I will always love her and hope we will find our way together again. Advice
You are in a good position.

You still have her as a strong friend and also the freedom to explore life. Your preference for her comes through clearly and stands a good chance of coming true based on what you've said.

A relationship that long at that young age tends to remain firm through the years. I predict a good future for you.

Good luck!

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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