How can I show him that I am not like her and prove to him that i do love him?
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old FemaleIn his past relationship my boyfriend's ex cheated on him twice while he was deployed. Now that he is about to get deployed again tells me to prove to him that I do love him and that I am not going to do the same thing to him as she did. How can I show him that I am not like her and prove to him that i do love him? AdviceThe real answer is that you can't prove it to him. He has to believe it on his own.
Make him feel loved every time you see him. Have a sendoff party for him. While he's away, communicate with him as much as you possibly can. Tell him you love him all the time.
This still won't prove anything, but he will get pleasure from it and have fond thoughts of you instead of worrying.
Hope this helps!
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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