I asked him when were going to hang out next. He seems like a different person now
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old FemaleHi
I went to this all ages concert at a club and there was this guy there. He was eyeing me all night and by the end of the night he finally came up and talked to me. He asked me for my phone number and gave me a hug before i left and was totally sweet about it. So he calls me the next day and we hang out three out of the four days in that week. He was all over me asking me to hang out everyday and stuff. Then the next week comes and he barley talks to me. So i ask him a week later whats up and whats going on. He responds in saying that he likes me but hes moving away in march. Thats why he has been distant. Hes says were going to be friends still. Now its two weeks since i asked him and we still barley talk and when i start a conversation with and him he barley responds back and I asked him when were going to hang out nexthes says i don't know. He seems like a different person now.
My Question: Do you have any idea whats up and why he dosent talk to me anymore?
RomanceClass.com AdviceOne obvious possibility is that he decided he didn't like you at some point while you were hanging out.
On the other hand, the fact that he is moving away in March may have made him feel uncomfortable taking up your time.
It's hard to tell which one is the right one.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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