We were Caught being Intimate
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old MaleOk this last weekend my girlfriend and i were being intimate for the first time. We both love each other, but while we were starting out by accident my parents came in the room. What do i say to both my parents and my girlfriend? Are there any good solutions to this problem?
RomanceClass.com AdviceWow, probably the nightmare of every couple. Well, as much as parents sometimes act like sex is an evil and unnatural thing for teenagers to do, they were in fact teenagers once and were in these exact same situations (or their friends were). So the main reason they want to have you resist sex is that they don't want you to ruin your lives by being pregnant at this age, and also it's always very hard for a parent to think that their "little angel" is adult enough to be involved in these things. It was only a year or two ago that you were their "darling baby" and it's hard for them to think that you're ready for this level of action.
Really, when you're a few years older, this will be something you look back and laugh about, and tell your friends about over dinner. It's the classic 'caught in the act' story. But definitely it's hard at the time to get through.
So for your parents. The aim is to have them realize that you are mature, you have thought this through, this isn't some one-night-stand of hormone-crazed lust. Their main concern is that you are actually thinking about this and handling it responsibly. So when they sit you down (or when you sit down with them if they're avoiding it) tell them that you are very serious about your girlfriend. You love her. That you have taken things slowly and did not rush into it. That she was fully in agreement about it and was NOT pressured. And that you guys were using full protection (I hope you were!!!) and fully understand the harm that pregnancy would cause. If they get upset, stay calm. You have to show them you are mature about this and can handle it. The more quiet and mature you are through this, the better it will go.
For her, again, this will be something you guys laugh about a lot later on. So make it into a "Doesn't it figure!" sort of thing. You guys love each other, you've already been close to each other. The next time you try, you'll be a bit better about making sure you are really isolated!! But this shouldn't cause any real problem between a couple that loves each other. If anything, it becomes one of those great stories you can tell to friends and laugh about.
-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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