Finding a Guy

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Female
im single now.. me and my b/f broke up i'm sorta happy though cause im SINGLE now!! But now im sorta lonely. I want a really hot, fun, loveable guy, who enjoys going out.. how am i supposed to be patient or find one??? Advice
It's always hard to break up with someone - be sure you give yourself a few weeks to just be alone and get through the rebound period. You can make some REALLY bad decisions while you're rebounding - dating guys that are complete jerks because you'd rather be with "someone" then be alone. And you can get yourself REALLY hurt by this. So spend time on yourself, doing things you enjoy, hanging out with friends, taking long bubble baths, whatever it is you like.

Once you're fresh and ready for someone new, the MOST important thing is to find someone you really have fun with. So look around you at the guys you are already friends with! It can be hard to think of dating a friend, but really, the guys you are friends with are your friends because they're fun, you like the things they like, you like doing things together, you get along. And while other things like looks may SEEM really important because MTV says they are, they are probably the LEAST important thing in the world in a relationship. You usually close your eyes when you kiss, you usually aren't even looking at each other in movies or when you're calling or emailing or curled up in a hug. But a guy you can TALK to and feel comfortable with, and who really cares for you, is INCREDIBLY important.

Hot Guys are a dime a dozen. Sure, they look nice on your arm, like a piece of jewelry or something. But when you are feeling sad, or need someone to talk to about something serious, Hot Guys take off and abandon you. The guys who really CARE about you and who can talk and listen are the ones who are worth their weight in gold. If you want an arm decoration, buy a bracelet.

-- from Jenn
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