General Relationship Advice -
Personal Advice from RomanceClass

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This is a generic category for advice that is not covered by our main listed categories. Please do try to use one of our defined categories if you can, as it makes it easier for us to help you out.


We have literally thousands of tips online about every aspect of relationships. These range from flirting to dating, from cheating to breaking up. Please make sure you've read through our tips to see if the answer you seek is already online.

Flirting / Dating
Flirting Advice
Finding a Date
Dating a Friend
Office Romance
How to Date
Is it Love?
Kissing Tips

Happy Partners
Daily Tips for Love
Stress Releasers
Rekindling the Romance
Stages of a Relationship
Family Interactions
All About Intimacy
Races, Religions, Ages

Problems / Solutions
Long Distance and Internet
Fights and Arguing
Jealousy and Envy
Cheating and Lying
Breaking Up
Dealing with the Ex
I Want My Ex Back

Finishing Touches
Love Poetry
Love Quotes
Holiday Ideas
Flowers, Gems, Incense
Astrology, Symbols, Art
Becoming Soulmates
Gifts and Presents

Make sure you have studied and understand these tips, and have practiced them. If you have read these tips, have tried to implement them and are still having problems with a specific situation, then move on to:

Step 2 - Online General Relationship Advice Advice