i feel ya ... my husband is that way too andrea he radiates heat like a space heater and im always dying of heat wish i could open a window or turn on a fan lol ... he is from egypt and they all think celiing fans are evil .. he is convinced it makes him sick lolz ive given him biology lessons on germs and tried to convince him its germs that make you sick not a fan lol he isnt buying it

and he snores like a fog horn plus he has to have total and complete darkness or he ant sleep and i NEEEED some ambiant light on .. im scareed of the dark and not ashamed to admit it ROFL and i need some music or something on i cant stand silence ... trips me out ... i start to hear stuff i shouldnt hear lolz

plus ... im a night owl ... i stay up way late and he sleeps as soon as he gets home from work almost lol

so we just decided to have separate rooms ... it works for us ... our marriage is better because of it ... people think we are wierd but we are happy so who cares.

he has his bedroom and he can leave stuff all over the floor and it can smell as much as he wants hahaha and he decorates it how he likes

i have my room and i can keep it as clean and nice and pretty as i like haha

we dont fight over cleaning or clothes on the floor .. he has his bathroom i have mine ... so it cut out all the fights over typical married people stuff ... my stuff is clean his stuff is s a mess and we are happy haha

i do venture in once in a while decked out in a mas and rubber gloves and clean his room and bathroom though cuz i fear the germs may wander over to my side of the house ROFL

he comes in and snuggles with me and we watch tv or movies or whatever in my room or the living room ... and once in a while he will fall asleep in my room but rarely.

we have a small apartment and its just easier to have our own space to retreat to instead of being piled on top of each other 24/7

my friend is staying with us right now (she needed some help getting back on her feet) and we converted the dining room into a bedroom lolz .. our dining room table was way too big to go in there anyway so it was in the oddly huge living room ..

so it all works out smile

and when i told him look we need separate rooms he was totally ok with it cuz it means peace for the both of us smile

and his bed is one of those temperpedic beds and its AWESOME

u cant feel anything that moves on that bed at all i love it ... smile