What is it with guys they say they are freezing and then they sweat like crazy.
Yes sometimes ear plugs are not enough I remember sleeping with a pillow over my head which did not work well either.
I'm roasting and he is freezing. However what I thought was funny was the other night he came home from work crawled in bed with me and I covered him up with one of my blankets (Sort of a lighter weight one). Well in the middle of the night he decided to crawl back into his own bed but took my favorite blanket.
I asked for it back last night and he won't give it up and the funny part of it was he (the one who supposedly freezes) was sleeping on top of his heavy blankets and was just covered with my lighter weight one. I was nice and left him have his blankie lol and I just got out a different one.
Men are funny.

My name is Connie