Been in the same EXACT boat.

Met my husband online 5 years ago. I told him I loved him even before we met in person. We kissed the first time we met each other and thereafter it got pretty far pretty fast.

I was also raised in a very traditional and religious family and was sympathetic towards those values then.

I felt extremely guilt ridden for months at a time. It was a continual back and forth of "this feels awesome!" and "this isn't right..." I had just come out of a 4-year relationship, first love and first-kiss so I was feeling very lonely and desparate to fill that empty hole.

But, as you saw from the first sentence, we're married. Haha. =P

That's all to say, these internet things are very complicated and different. All in all, you need to do what you feel is right. Now, I don't think or feel there is anything wrong with how me and Steve did things. I had no regrets, it was an awesome ride and it lead us to where we are now!

So have fun, and good luck! smile