Hello JMH & welcome

There are girls who would only do this with someone they considered their 'one and only'.
There are girls who do this for fun, with any boy they find attractive.
So, yes, Jo is right ~ you cannot generalise.
This girl may even be wondering the same thing about you.
You can only find the answer by asking her ~ and, even then, you may not get the reply that you want or need.
If you are going to spend nights in bed with girls, be sure that you have protection with you.
Unwanted pregnancies and STDs are a serious matter.
Just because you didn't 'go all the way' this time doesn't, necessarily, mean that you are safe from these risks.
Remember, in future, that it isn't always easy to stop something you have started.
And there can be emotional repercussions ~ for both parties.
Be careful.
Good luck!