Hi Mr_Lovely & welcome

Love can, indeed, be a complicated business.
In your case:
~ you have never met this girl
~ she lives in a different country from you
~ she cannot believe that you are in love with her
~ she is already in a relationship with someone she loves
~ she says that she is unhappy with her boyfriend
~ she believes that if you wait, you may live together some day
~ you are trying to help her to sort things out with her boyfriend because you want her to be happy
You want to know how to make her believe you ~ that you truly love her.
maybe some people don't beleive in love in net
I used to think that falling in love via the Internet was not a good idea. However, I now know that lots of successful relationships have begun on the Internet, so I have changed my mind.
I do think, though, that, while it is possible to discover someone with whom you get on, and have much in common, it is still necessary to actually meet, in order to be sure ~ and to fall truly in love.
If you were to actually meet this girl, in person, then there might be things about her that you did not like.
I would liken this to falling in love with a pop star ~ it is a dream to some extent. Others may disagree. We actually have a thread on Internet romances.
the problem she is from another country
This is going to make it difficult for you to meet.
Plus, inter-country romances can be problematic, because of language and or cultural differences ~ and because of family complications ~ not seeing them because of distance, etc.
That being said, I know of a number of international romances that have been very successful.
she is in a relation and in love with another person...... she's unhappy with her bf ..... she says i have to wait, maybe we live together someday
This is difficult to fully understand.
She is in love with her boyfriend, yet she is not happy with him, and thinks that maybe, one day, she will live with you. Yet she doesn't believe that you love her.
Is she going to leave this boy, because she unhappy with the relationship?
Or does she intend to stay because she loves him?
How long are you supposed to wait?
Would she plan to live with you, even though she has never met you, and believes that you do not love her?
i help her to solv her relation and to stay with her bf, and i always say to her all i want is to see her happy, and i don't care if she's with me or with another person
That is kind and noble, but what is actually wrong with their relationship?
And how are you helping?
Please tell me what i have to do to make her beleive me
Would it make a difference if she believed you?
Would she leave her boyfriend, even though she loves him?
Does she believe that she can love you?
Could you move countries to be with her, if she wanted you to?
Does she really want you to wait until she decides where her current relationship is going?
The only way I think that either of you can really know your feelings for each other is to meet up and get to know each other properly.
How far apart are you?
I'm not sure that I should really suggest that you try to become involved with a girl who is already in a relationship.
On the other hand, they do say that all is fair in love and war.
Think carefully about how realistic all this is and whether you should be mixing with people you can meet up with regularly ~ in your own area rather than in cyberspace.
Good luck!