I have had the same experience. Missing and overwhelming emotions to the point where I said, you know I have to act on this. So we went out and yea it was exciting and we went out a few more times.. but what happened was I realized that I missed the old us. The old friendship / relationship and the situations we were in. I realized that now I was different and I just needed to go out with him to feel that. But now I had him having feelings for me again and had to deal with that.

Which was really hard... but we are still friends. But he lets me know how I hurt him very chance he gets. lol But I told him wouldn't he rather I said the truth. but anyways..
with anything you hear you have to follow your feelings because in the back of head if you feel you should net with him, you don't want to have regrets.

but it is ultimetly up to you!

But I was 22 when all this happened also.

I knew he in high school.
Good luck with everything! and always go with your gut! and you don't need to go out with guys to cover your feelings!

Take care!!