Without You

My life without you would be
like the night sky without stars

Black and empty with no meaning
at all, like being behind bars

You are like the brightest
star in the midnight sky

Radiant and beautiful and
there is no wonder why

I never want you to
fade away from me

Because I could not bare
the darkness, unable to see

Before you came along I was
a punk with nothing going

Now I feel like you have been
sent to me and now I'm knowing

You are more than I disserve
and I couldn't ask for more

I offer you my love and that
you alone I will adore

I have something good to die
for, so its beautiful to live

As long as I have you I
will give all I can give

I can't even imagine how it
would be without you there

It would be more than
I could really bare

I never want you to go away
leaving me in nothingness

My heart would become
nothing but an empty abyss

When we are together
you make me happy

I hope you are too,
cause that seems to be

You're there when I want to
talk to or just see you

But I am also here
when you need me too

I have realized
I am a lucky guy

To have a girl like
you to have close by

I can have fun with you
and be myself, see

So, I couldn't find a girl
anymore perfect for me
