How to get a Date!!

I've seen many guys struggle with finding a girl or even to get a date with one. Its not as hard as you think. No matter what you look like, how much money you make, what car you drive... it DOESNT matter. These are the limiting beliefs that men have and why they cant attract women.

The 1st step in the process is ATTRACTION. Attraction is not only physical. Women are attracted to man of HIGH VALUE. Of course when you go out to meet a woman you must look presentable. HIGH VALUE is demostrated by being interesting, by being confident, by showing that you are goal oriented and that you believe yourself and in your life. Gentlemen... Attraction IS NOT a choice. YOU can trigger a woman's attraction to you by mearly Demnonstrating Higher Value and by having someting in common with her.

So Heres how to get a date
1. Approaching: Approach the woman and begin a DONT need some cheesy pickup line. "Hi" works very well.

2. Initiate a conversation: Find something in common. Generally the conversation will flow and even better if it takes tangents and you are both very interested in it.

3. Attraction: Demostrate Higher Value and share the same interests as the woman. She WILL be atrracted to you.

4. Get the Number/Email/Facebook, ect: Either you can go for an Instant Date ie coffee, ect. OR you can exchange informtion. Number is the best way to get a date sometime in the week or the next couple of days. If you dont feel secure about asking for the number (which she will give you) get her Email or other information

5. Go on a Date: Call/Email/Message her and hold at least ONE SOLID CONVERSATION with her to guarantee she will not flake. Set a time and place and have a good time!!
