The art of Relationships

These are the main parts to it that need to be clearly valued in order to have a strong and healthy relationship:

Honesty (don't lie or keep secrets, be open), Loyalty (don't cheat or play your partner. You only make a fool of yourself!), Faith (believe in your love and you'd be suprised in what that will do!), Fairness (this goes for both people, you dish it out - both of you gotta follow through), Compassion (Love is important in a healthy life, so make sure your partner knows how you feel and you both should always try to make time for each other), Understanding (keep the jealousy emotions to a low and think before you react!), Exploration (don't be afraid to try new things in a relationship just make sure you are both cool with it, whatever it may be), and a dash of Seperation to make the time between you all even more special.

I say art because a relationship is exactly like an image. The image only looks good if the colors are all working together, even black and white!

Good luck and best of luck!