if your partner tells you straight up they cheated
My partner and i agreed on having a semi monogomous relationship while were dating. Meaning if one of us has sex with one another and we are completely truthful and talk about it it would be fine. I have never done this before but past relationships and the "rules" have never worked. When we get into a serious relationship it would be more exclusive. So he had sex with this person that is his friend. He immediately told me the next day. I was shocked and hurt and cried for a bit. However we talked about it and really got into discussion about it. Im glad that he told me up front. He is like it has nothing to do with our relationship. I am pursuing you. I know that he wouldn't hurt me. And i am already at ease. Which he thought was really good that we were comfortable with each other. I told him that this can happen and i could do it but only once with one person.
The point is if your partner tells you straight up front, and then talk about it, it IS TRULY TEN TIMES BETTER then trying to hide it. PERIOD.