Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
He Was Immature

I dated this guy for a little over a month. We had fun and did alot of stuff together, like most couples should. I'll admit we were a bit rough with each other, we gave each other bruises. One thing that really ticked me off is that I paid for EVERYTHING. He never had money, and the boy ran me out for all of our dates.

Anyway, after awhile, things got ugly. We had only known each other for a little over 2 months before we started dating, and thats where we made our mistake. As the days went on, he became more verbally abusive, but I treated him the exact same way. Finally, he in his immature state had his MOTHER call me to tell me that he didn't like me anymore and that he didn't want to be my boyfriend. Not to mention the fact that he told my best friends lies about why he broke up with me, all of which weren't true, but he only told them so they wouldn't hurt him.

Doesn't seem that bad, but if you were me..you'd understand. THE MORAL: Never date a guy who has to have his mother call you to break up..oh..and make sure he has money.


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