Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
My life is more interesting than a soap opera!

Ok, so he was my first true love. I have dated here and there, but he was the first guy I have ever loved. Not to mention he was my first for :wink wink: well we went out for about 10 months. We broke up when we started to fight a lot, well he broke up with me, I thought we could work through our crap, which we had before. So after the break up I had found out that he was dating one of our mutual friends. Can you say skank! She was 17 when she had her kid (not say that is bad but she is a bad mother!)When we went to mexico she would alway go home with a different guy, the same applies to vegas. Well the whole time they were dating I was kinda around. I slept with him a couple times (bad decission) and he eventually broke up with her because he decided that she could bring no good to his life. Not to mention she left for a weekend and started dating another guy. Well he came crawling back to me not more than 3months apart. I gave in and took him back. It is now february, 3 months after we got back together, and he dumps me again. I suspect that he has fallen for a girl that we work with. He says that he needs to be single but he calls me all the time, it is not even like we broke up at all. He said that he may want me back in a couple months. He is just rediculous, but I love him for some unknown reason.

::Update:: The ex that he broke up with for me had her kid taken away by CPS and she is now in rehab, what a story! My life is more interesting than a soap opera!


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