Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
When I tried to ask her if she ever loved me, she told me to quit talking to her or she'd call the cops

My ex was a good friend of mine for about 5 years. She had been in past relationships and I was always there for her. We both always kind of liked each other, but I was too afriad to date her because I didn't want to lose her friendship. Around November, we started dating. She came over and expressed her undying love for me practically. We dated for about 3 months and everything was going great. She was completely in love with me and I loved her more than anything. Around Valentine's day, her exboyfriend decided to instant message her. She asked me if it would be ok if she talked to him because she just wanted to be friends. As gullible as I might've seemed in that situation, I was confident that she loved me. I mean she promised me that no one could ever replace me. I did everything for her. I gave her practically 24/7 attention and I spent almost every cent I had one her. Everyone I knew was starting to get irratated that I spent so much time with her. I even took on a job during the semester at school, so I'd be able to take her to nice places and to get her something nice for our upcoming anniversary. Well, I began to notice that she was talking to her ex more. While I was busy working, she was busy reading his blog, talking to him on instant messenger and sometimes the phone. On Valentine's night, we were both sick, so we really couldn't do much. I took her out to dinner and let her get what ever she wanted. When we got back, she started talking to her ex on instant messenger again and she wanted to go visit him over 40 mins away. She was too sick to spend time with me, but she could go hang out with him. We talked about it and she ended up staying at school with me instead. For the next couple of weeks, it started to seem that she was trying to pick fights with me over nothing. If anyhthing happened, it was my fault. Then one weekend I went home and she decided to go with her ex on a road trip without even telling me until I found out by calling her. I was kind of mad that she did that, but I didn't make a big deal about it. That night, she decided that we needed to take a break. She said that she might still have feeling for her ex, but she still loved me more. I could see right through her, so I accused her of trying to get back with her ex. She got mad at me and started swinging at me. Then she made me feel like a terrible person for the rest of the night and said that she questions what kind of person I am. We ended up making up later on that night and we went to breakfeast together the next day. Everything seemed to be going well. I gave her a kiss before I left for the weekend. She said that she loved me and that I have nothing to worry about. She called me the next day said that she was going to have lunch with her ex. She showed up at my house later on that day and told me that she cheated on me with her ex. She had no remorse over what she did and she didn't seem to care what she did to me. She completely lied to me during the course of our entire relationship by pretending to be in love with me. I lost the so called love of my life and one of my best friends over this whole ordeal. She ended up getting back together with her ex and now she's spreading lies to people I know about me. When I tried to ask her if she ever loved me, she told me to quit talking to me or she'd call the cops. She made her whole family think that I'm some kind of crazy stalker because she knew they would hate what she did to me. They thought I was going to marry her and she knew that they wouldn't be pleased with what she did. I haven't talked to her since, but my heart is still broken.


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