Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
He kidnapped me, and beat me, couldn't get away. We ended up back together

Three years together, I knew I loved him. But did he love me... It was always fix me shower water, get me somthing to eat, there's a bump on my face, wash the dishes, do this, do that.... I did everything for him except wipe his hiney. He never worked a day. Never did house work. Together for a year and a half, get pregnant, have a miscarriage... he says... it's my fault. I was mortified. Then, a few months later, got pregnant again with twins. He says they're not his. He was abusive before them, and abusive after them, and while I was holding them. Every time, "baby, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again," he says. And every time he does it again. One time I left him, before I got pregnant, he cried. Went to visit him. He kidnapped me, and beat me, couldn't get away. We ended up back together. Then, this last time I left, it was with the boys. HE says, "Baby I am so sorry. I'll change. I'll never do it again. I'll get a job. You can go back to school. We'll go out and do things together. I promise baby I've changed." What do men think us women are? Stupid? It I go back, he may kill me. So, Baby I've changed......... doesn't mean he has. Hear it from me.


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