Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
this self-named fabulous example of a man is now sleeping with the village bike

Ok, I think this man can beat them all. Somewhere along the line, he lost all ability to be compassionate, understanding and to love anyone...oh, other than himself!!
He started off as a wonderful man,the kind of guy every girl dreams of. He was perfect in my eyes and thought that he was the man that would change everything..Finually I had a decent bloke!!
Then it all changed, basically he'd get into a drunken state and physically and verbally abuse me, then have the nerve to blame me for 'frustrating him'. Hhmm..he went through a stage of leaving me, sleeping with me, leaving me. The usual crap men do! and now tells me that it was my fault and he did nothing wrong, like i'm less of a person than him.
Seems the guy is completely deluded, because this self-named fabulous example of a man is now sleeping with the village bike. And he said he wanted to move on to pastures new...more like pastures old..everyone has had a graze on her....oh, dear...how low can you go?


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