Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass - He just looks and me and sighs that its too late My first love, first boyfriend, best friend happened to be my best friend's ex boyfriend. He fell for me after they broke up and would not leave me alone. I made the hard desicion to go for him and lost all of my childhood friends. Inevitably, I fell in love with the boy unlike everyone else in my life who grew to hate him. I listened to my parents complaints and comments on him. Supposely, he wasn't good enough for me bc of many reasons, his family, his job, his educational background. During the time we were really getting to know each other ( we were at 4 months) I became so critical, judgemental, demandings, vulger, pissed all the time at him. He followed me up to college and he lived with me. He did more for me than any guy has ever. He was always there for me, but he also caused a lot of the problems he would try to help me through. I was always stressed and upset that noone was happy I had this guy. I ended up hurting him more than I probably have hurt ever. I changed his perspectives on love, life in a bad way and he dropped out of college. After I broke up with him because of money problems between us, I came back apologizing for the 100th time and this time he told me he can't. We came back to each other a few times for months, but nothing could iron out the hurt and betrayal we both felt. He never fully let me explain myself and my actions towards him, and he began to mistreat me and mock me with friends. My advice for anyone in a relationship, is when you truly love someone. Love them for them. I mistreated him because I thought he wasn't good enough because of his situation vs. mine. I mistreated him because I didn't have friends to talk to to balance me out about our minimal problems. Don't let someone go because of superficial reasons. I miss him dearly and have tried many times still to get him back. He just looks and me and sighs that its too late. Damage is done, he can't forgive it and for me to leave him alone. Slime-O-Meter 4.40 out of 5 slimes Add your vote! How many slimes does this ex rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Tales Disclaimer: All tales are submitted by anonymous users and can be assumed to be complete fabrications from these users. RomanceClass.com removes all identifying information and is not responsible for the stories that are shared here. The stories are for entertainment purposes only.
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