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Once I dated a famous movie star

Once I dated a famous movie star who shall remain nameless. He tried to impress me constantly by choosing roles and characters he thought I would be impressed by. It was actually boring because he hadn't been to college, and I had already been through the themes that he was interested in, trying to make himself look more intellectual than he really was. He donated a whole bunch of money to a child lukemia fund that I believed in. He asked me if I wanted to star in a major film with him, but I turned it down because I didn't want to be another actress notch on his belt. It was hell to just go out to lunch with him in LA because everyone would ask him for his autograph or try to snap his picture. I made myself look as homely as possible to not attract attention, and the reason our affair never made the papers was because he told the photographers it was illegal to take our picture together without our permission. I thought it was nice that he tried to protect me this way. It turned out that I was just infatuated with his fame rather than himself, because ANYONE is uglier close up and personal. I was doing my own thing and minding my own business, and one day I picked up a daily tabloid where it said that he had been arrested for child molestation many years ago. I didn't know if it was true or not and asked him about it. He of course said it wasn't true, but then I started to think of how old I was when I met him. I was pretty young and he was at least 15 years older than me. Then I was talking to an actress who starred in a major picture with him. She told me that he had wanted to marry her, but she wouldn't. She told me that they were about to get married, and one day she came over and he was in the apartment with a 15 year old girl. She was horrified and never spoke to him again. She told me to stay away from him, I took her advice, and I am now the wiser for it.


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