Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
I ended up wasting a year waiting

I've met this guy at school. Wer were both 24. He was after me for sometimes (proximately 4-6 months) and we ended going out for nearly a year. Within that one year, we broke up and came back for like 4 times. He was very sweet and caring guys, but seemed like our goals in life were too different. So we officially broke up. He started dating someone right away, but leading me to believe that we were still talking...there were a lot of drammas involved but I ended up wasting a year waiting, since he said he'll come back to me. STUPIDITY!!! I finally woke up at one point and decided to move on. I realized how much I missed out in the relationship market! I guess each woman at least go through one time of being stupid like that, maybe not as stupid as I was. Good luck to you all!


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