Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
She Cheated and Lied

Here is my story! The only thing is though this isn't my ex i'm engaged to her and back in November I finally found out that she splept with my first cousin. The night before it happened to me an her were together and took our relastionship to another level. I asked her if their was something between them and she lied! She lied to me about it for almost a year and i'm not talking about just one lie she lied to me about the situation more than i can count. She now clams that she has told me the whole truth, but I dont know if its b/c she broke my trust in her or if i'm actually right. As of now everything I thought she had done was on the money! I need to know if there is anymore lies she is hidding, but like always she says it all out then i catch her lying again. Any advice???


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