Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass - Then, he finally admitted to being an alcoholic He his his alcoholism from me...treated me like a queen for a few months...yes, we went out for drinks occasionally but he didn't seem to drink that much. Little did I know that he had a stash to pull out and swig from when he was in a bathroom or at home. I was head over heels in love with him, then I found empty vodka bottles hidden around my apartment. I thought my daughter was drinking, I told him and he let me confront her and even offered to put a video camera on in the house so we can see who it is, my daughter or the maintenance man. Then, he finally admitted to being an alcoholic, he tried to change but said he wanted to keep things the way they are and keep drinking. I had even gone to Alonon when he said he wanted to change to see if there was something I could or should be doing to help him. they told me, no matter what you do, don't marry him. I didn't wan to hear it at the time. Then, he seemed to have stopped...I couldnt believe it, I was so happy...but he was just hiding it from me, then he drove my car and picked my daughter up, but first he went in the bathroom and downed a thing of vodka and was incoherently drunk by the time he got to me where I work. That was it...he drove drunk with my daughter in the car and I broke up with him...it hurt to be without his love, but I had to go, my daughter means more to me. He said he didnt understand why I made such a big deal out of it. Then one day after about a year, he called me up and told me his life changed, I went to see him, he fell down the stairs while I was there, I didnt smell any alcohol, but i think it must have been something else and he stole money out of my purse...I got up and looked around and found it in a vase, I took it and left...I will never see him again no matter what. Slime-O-Meter 5.00 out of 5 slimes Add your vote! How many slimes does this ex rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Tales Disclaimer: All tales are submitted by anonymous users and can be assumed to be complete fabrications from these users. RomanceClass.com removes all identifying information and is not responsible for the stories that are shared here. The stories are for entertainment purposes only.
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