Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
It's Time for Me To Leave this Abusive Jerk

Well I am 19 years old and i'm dating a 33 year old. I am a senior in high school. I have a job that i have been working at for about 2 years. My boyfriend is a horrible alcoholic and doesn't know when to stop drinking. He is my first boyfriend first everything! He treats me like I don�t have a heart. He takes my money when I only make $5.80/hr.

He has cheated on me with his X-Girlfriend. When we first started having sex he had another girlfriend and I knew about it I didn't care just as long as I had him. Now that he doesn�t have that girlfriend anymore we are always together. That is what i thought i wanted but I don't. I love him and everything but I�m just tired of him because I want to be with my friends and party.

He always accuses me of sleeping with different guys. He took my virginity. I can�t hang out with any other males. I've tried to leave him but i just can't. He abuses me when he is drinking. He is an awesome guy when he's sober.

After her broke up with his X girlfriend in Feb. he stopped drinking for almost 4 months. I told myself if he were ever to start drinking again i'm gone i said the same thing the first time he hit me. I'm tired of him passing out on me. It scares me half to death when he won't wake up! I don't know what to do!!


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