Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
I hope he get's his real soon!

I dated my ex all through highschool, actually since 8th grade and then I went off to college. I was beginning to suspect something after being away for about 5 months so I got in his e-mail that I SET UP FOR HIM, and found e-mails from another girl! He had started seeing her a week before I left...I drove to his college and found them in bed together. I have now found out that he was also cheating with many other girls besides the other "girlfriend" Who is actually still with him even though she didn't know about me either! A friend of his actually told her that she had sex with him too, but she is still with him! He also borrowed almost $1,000 from each of us. I am proud to say that I was able to havae him sign a legally binding contract to pay me back in the next three months. I can honestly say that he is the most manipulative person I know. I hope he get's his real soon!


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