Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
someone can love me for the crazy goofy person I am.:)

It was back in December, my last ex, that is. Well, we talked for 2 weeks or so before he asked me out on December 2nd(my dads birthday) at like 4 a.m. crazy enough, I remember it because I had a friend over and she just yells "will you ask her out already?" and he was like "I've been getting to this but since she brought it up..." and yeah all that junk, That night I went to his house to watch a few movies and that's about it nothing more, nothing less. I suppose he's afraid of love or some crap because the last time I've talked to him was that day when he dropped me back off at my house. like a week and a half later (December 10th-my papaws birthday) he has a girl call me and tell me not to call him back because he has a girlfriend in which I hadn't called him since a week before and I gave up on him and try to not care that he had hurt me with a phone call like that... but now I'm with someone new:) we've been together for more than 5 months and I love him more than anything else in this world. He has proven to me that someone can love me for the crazy goofy person I am.:)


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