Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass - Being slept around on like I was nothing. I dated this girl for 2 and a half years. We went to highschool together and I would pick up her for school everyday, sometimes getting the 2 hours early to give her a body massage. The relationship continues and she gets more pushy and mean and was sneaking out with other guys. I caught it not thinking anything really went on. The last 6 months of the realtionship she would go hang out with this coworker( the guy is a dropout drug dealer and dumber than dirt.)of hers and lie to me about it. Well the last month she calls me while I'm on vacation and says she has an std. I flip my lid because I've never been with any other girl. She told me it was from giving oral to her coworker. Well she said it was when we broke up for weekend bla bla. I go in to get tested and the nurse thought I had brought the std in the relationship. When I told her what happened. she said it wasn't possible to contract that infection without her havng sex with her coworker. I confront her abot it and she gives me a rape story about the night. I check her phone records ( cause i pay for her cell) And she had called him more than 30 times since the supposed incident. confront her about that until she gives me another bs story. I gave this girl my whole heart and that's how I was repayed. Being slept around on like I was nothing. Slime-O-Meter 4.50 out of 5 slimes Add your vote! How many slimes does this ex rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Tales Disclaimer: All tales are submitted by anonymous users and can be assumed to be complete fabrications from these users. RomanceClass.com removes all identifying information and is not responsible for the stories that are shared here. The stories are for entertainment purposes only.
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