Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
Forgiveness is the strongest medicine

I am an 18 year old male. I had dated what seemed like the most perfect person. It lasted for over a year and nothing seemed like it would ruin our relationship. We had both promised that we would never let something like sex ruin our relationship. I was intent on keeping my end of the promise. Around eight months, she decided she wanted variety, and an open relationship. Being as naive as I was, I agreed. Then I thought what could happen. I tried changing both of us but nothing would work. I started to be vein and over-emotional. This got the better of us and we took a huge break. The day she decided to get back with me, she told me she had slept with one of my best friends twice, this only prolonged our break. When we finally realized we could trust eachother we got back together. This only lasted four more months. When my senior year was about to end, one of her best friends informed me that my first true love had cheated on me. I was in shock. I drove myself home, and cried histerically. Of course we broke up. It seemed too impossible. I tried and tried to win her heart back, but this resulted in more personal turmoil. She is now pregnant with the guy she cheated on me with, and has no regret for what she has done. Prior to writing this I had a breakdown episode. I realize that she will always have a place in my heart. Over the time that has passed, I have had many breakdowns, and it seems there will be no end. I am currently looking for someone who will treat me better than her. She was one first person I could truly say I loved. In writing this, I hope to find closure, and whomever reads this, if you have had the same episode, know you aren't alone, and what happens in life will only make you stronger. Forgiveness is the strongest medicine


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