Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
I Ignored the Warning Signs and Got Abused

My ex was the nastiest person I have ever had the misfortune to come across. We started going out through a friend, she seemed to think we'd be good together. I am 21, he was 18, so I was cautious that he may be a little immature for me. He seemed fine, but he had a baby daughter and kept talking about cheating on all his girlfriends and he's slept with 33 women, hardly a lie I can believe it the way he carried on.

So he came and moved in with me, forced his way in to my flat like he had no respect for my friends who I shared with, they grew hostile and eventually we left and got our own flat. At the time I knew it was wrong but I loved him. He was always jealous and paranoid, I wasn't allowed to speak to other males, he asked about my job all the time and even got me sacked from somewhere because he kept calling me and disturbing my work. He called me all day long. He threatened me and controlled my emotions. I felt like I was going insane, like I'd lost all my self esteem because he wanted me to do everything a certain way.

When we moved in our flat it was nice but then he just changed, started leaving me in on my own on weekends, he'd come back at 3am and be drunk and angry, one time he hit the s*** out of me because he was in a rage. He pushed me about and made me feel like a useless, ugly person no matter how much love I gave him. We had great sex every day but nothing else was good. He was cruel and nasty and told me off like a naughty child all the time. And this is hard to believe I bet, seeing as he is three years younger. But this is what these horrid violent insecure people are like. They ruin you to the point where you just don't care anymore.

I warn you ladies, always trust your instincts - I knew he was wrong but I ignored the warning bells.


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