Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
i had hit rock bottom

I had finally got back intouch with one of my best friends from High school that I had not seen since graduation. We decided that we needed to get together and go out and catch up. She told me that she had heard about this party and that she really wanted to go. I told her no thanks that I did not want to go to a party that I knew no one at. She said ok but when we met up she had a bunch of people in her car and told me we were going to the party and there was no way out of it that I was going. I said ok... she had told me about this guy that she thought was sooo beautiful that i just had to meet him. I walk in and imediatlely I could tell this was a guy who just thought he was everything. I rolled my eyes and told myself i was not personally impressed that I didnt care who he was. Well as the night went by he never talked to me nor did I talk to him until ... we had to talk. Once we started talking there all of a sudden were all the fireworks and we just had everything in common. We liked the same bands, loved the same food, was compassionate about the same things... WOW. We stayed up until 6 a.m. talking. After that we were hooked. I told myself that I was not going to get involved with him because we were going to be roomies at college, because we just happened to go to the same school. So we started living together with 3 other people and everything was great except we could not stay away for each other. Next thing I know i am so in love I cannot see straight and I think the world is in his eyes. We never faught ... anything everything was perfect. One day he dumps me out of the blue, he said that i was everything he had ever dreamed of and was thinking of marrying me so it was over! I was devistated! He went that night and slep with a mutual friend of ours, and realised that he loved me to much to leave. We get back together and 7 months down the road it happened again! I took him back again... then 2 months after that he left me again I was a wreck. This is the love of my life here. So, I ran and jumped into another relationship because i had hit rock bottem and was a nervous wreck without him. Well the guy ended up madly inlove with me and wanted to marry me before he left for Iraq. I did not have the same feelings and I had no idea what to do. I was still inlove with the other guy. The other guy had my heart and I could not walk away even though I had not talked to him in 3 months. So I tried to break up with him but he was threatening his life and so was his mother!!! I was trapped... and you know what I still am I stayed because i could not bear for anything like that to ever happen because of me :'(


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