Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
I've Done someting horrible

I've Done someting horrible. at first one my old best friends introduced me to this kid.
i satrted to like him and vise versa even though he was
with my best friend. so we started talking and stopped.
after they broke up, i told him i really liked him
and he said he did too. so we started talking again and
2 weeks later we got together. i was happy; to be with him.
so yeah a month passed and he told me a while later that he liked someone else; but still loved me, but wasn't sure what to do. so i was mad that he would like someone else and be
with me; so i broke up with him :[ when i did i thought that was the right thing to do. turns out now 7 months later i still haven't gone over him. i miss him like crazy.
we started talking again but turns out he has a gf. he likes me now, but LOVES her. but idk. he is now rubbing in my face the fact that i broke up with him this wouldnt had happen :[ i miss him so much.


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