Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
That's what I get for being stupid and sympathetic

I met my ex at work. He was sweet, naive, ambitious, and a perfect match for me. Everything was perfect, he seemed completely devoted to me. He even called me crying because he said he loved me and was worried that I didn't feel the same way about him. After almost a year together, I received a promise ring. But I always had a gut feeling that something was wrong. He denied all of my intuitions and promised me everything. (By the way, this was my first true boyfriend.) Well, one night he called me crying, saying that my gay best friend had taken advantage of him. His story was believable, so I dropped all communication with my best friend. My ex then told me that he had been cheating on me with his ex girlfriend for the first 8 months of our relationship. Out of stupidity and guilt about my best friend, I stayed with him. After a fight one night, he went online and started talking to a girl. I again had that feeling and he again denied. I was right again, but I forgave him sense it was only talking, and I had done the something similar before. Well, my wonderful cheating boyfriend decided to give up on working, school, and ever having a family. He decided that he wanted to become an atheist and commit suicide instead. As a psychology major, I felt the need to save him. I knew that I couldn't deal with him committing suicide. However, after almost three years together, I just couldn't be in this dysfunctional relationship anymore. I had tried everything to make things better and nothing work. Of course, he immediately did a turn around and went back to the person I fell in love with. So, I agreed to an email friendship and he started lying again. He then had his grandmother drive 3 hrs to try and convince me to go back with him. So, again, I felt sorry for him, and agreed to correspond with him through email. I start to get the feeling that he is seeing someone so I confront him again. And of course, he denies it. But then I get an email from my ex-gay best friend that I haven't talked to in two years. Seems my ex has been dating his alleged molester and at least two other girls. If that isn't bad enough, he is sharing intimate, embarrassing personal details with everyone and letting them all read our personal emails. At least my ex-best friend still cared enough to tell me. That's what I get for being stupid and sympathetic. Lesson Learned.


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