Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
I just can’t get over him.

I met him through a friend but it was only an introduction didn’t think much of him really. A few months later I started to see him a lot because he was dating my best friend’s cousin. All of a sudden I had a huge crush and I realized how gorgeous he is. But he is four years older than me so I never thought anything would happen. Then I had a lot of issues with drugs, just wanted to try some things which was normal for me I’d already been going to parties well before my high school years but it turned into a very bad habit. He used to be close with my sister who is a year younger than him so he heard some stories. So he started talking to me a little just on myspace and I got excited because he was so hot. A month or so later him and his girlfriend had a very messy break up they were dating for 5 months or so and he was completely in love with her. A month after the break up he started talking to me more and more. He wanted to help me with my continuing drug problem. We decide that were going to hangout and on the first day we made out, I was happy and thought that something might just happen between us. For the next three months we became very close and talked every night but we still weren’t going out and I didn’t see him very much because he was busy going to parties and hanging out with his friends. This didn’t really bother me at first but everyone was telling me this wasn’t a practical relationship because he hadn’t asked me to be his girlfriend. I ignored this and though that soon enough he will ask me out as soon as he is completely over his girlfriend. He always told me that he was not messing around with any girls. Then we started to fight a lot, I had told him I loved him and it was the first time I have ever been in love and really the first person I’ve become close with in that kind of relationship. I was so in love and so every time we fought I tried to make it better even though it was rarely my fought I was the one apologizing for getting mad that he didn’t spend hardly any time with me and I told myself I was over reacting. After 4 months we still weren’t going out but we were always telling each other how much we loved each other, we started hanging out a lot more and talked for hours every night before we went to sleep. We completely acted like girlfriend and boyfriend in every way. I made a mistake and despite my promise to him I did drugs. It was a one time thing but he made a very big deal about it and called me a liar and said he had no trust for me. I worked very hard to get his trust back and eventually I had most of it back but he was contently questioning me about everything. It got to the point where he was telling me where I could go and who I could hangout with. He was so controlling that I think I tried to ruin the relationship on purpose and I did drugs again. He found out and told me that it was over and he wasn’t going to forgive me this time. I then realized what I had done and fell for him even harder because of how much I missed him. I tried very hard to get him back but I started finding out lies that HE had told ME. I found out that he had hooked up with two different girls when he always would tell me how much he needed my trust and wouldn’t accept anymore lies, he was lying to me the whole time. I didn’t even care I loved him so much I still wanted him back. We continued to talk but every time we got into a huge fight and it never ended good. One night he told me that he had called his ex-girlfriend and they had a great conversation and he thought they might get back together, he was trying to hurt me. I asked my friend (his ex-girlfriends cousin) if she knew anything about this and she asked her cousin. She told her that he had been telling her he still loved her and he never got over her and the whole time he was with me she was in the back of his mind. When I heard this my heart completely broke. I knew that he hurt her a lot and she wouldn’t take him back but just the fact that he wanted her and always loved her even when he had been telling me he loved me hurt tremendously. But when I asked him about it he said he never said he loved her and he had no feeling for her anymore and for some reason I believed him. Then one night we had a surprisingly good conversation and we decided that it could really work out if we just tried harder. So despite all of the horrible things he did and said I still took him back. Then the next day we texted each other a little but he didn’t call all day so around 10pm I called him. He said he was busy with his friends and had to go and I told him I was going to bed hoping he’d say something like “no wait” but he didn’t he just said bye rushing me off the phone. I cried and knew that I had made a mistake and once again my heart was going to be broken again after all that hope for something better. I should have known he wasn’t going to change. So the next day I told him I thought it was a mistake talking again and he agreed and we decided to end it but it ended on a good note. But I was completely heart broken. I am still in love with him and don’t know how to get over him. I always hope that he will call me and say he wants me back but he hasn’t and I don’t think he ever will. I think he is over me which makes it hurt even more. I know that it’s really stupid of me to even want him back but I just can’t get over him.


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