Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
he hated me cause i wouldnt put out.....

once apon a time there was a young girl how, decided to date her older sisters friend, because he had smurf blue hair and stood out in the crowd. This was all I knew about him when we first started dating December 27th about 2 mounths later he invited me to party with him and my sister, this invite was quickly taken awya by my older sister. A week later i found out that they had a thing at the party while my sisters boyfriend had left for 30 min. but i was young and in love so i forgave him. after that he decided whom i could and couldnt hang out with, and would stop talking to me and act very hurt if i did talk to one of these people...by march he was telling me how much more he respected me because i had morals and dont believe in pre marital sex....in April he started to get annoyed with me but moved on. By august his parents were having a rough time and he ended up staying several nights at my house because he couldnt deal with his parents divorce, his aunts death and his mothers drug problems . september he started to use all of the drugs his mother uses and more. On christmas he gave me a poem saying how much he loved me and we would be together forever. on the 27th he ditched me for his friends to get high on the 28th we broke up on the 30th he started dating the town bus, but he was telling everyone how me and him were going to get married in ten years and live happily ever after he just needed to be able to mess around and party while he was a teen. then he started to tell me how he still loved me and stuff but he would tell his friends how much he hated me cause i wouldnt put out.....


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