Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass - Maybe marriage At the time my boyfriend lived in a different town not to far away but we couldnt walk to see one another. So the time we spent together was...special like we wanted to spend ever minute together. WE had been dating for a while less than a year and the sex thing comes up. I thought I loved him and we did go through with it, he was my first, but surprised was I when I say it like it was small and skinny like as tall as a pinky finger and about as wide as it. Lucky he had trimmed up so it made it look bigger, but. The second time we did that he didnt so it looked even small. We got in a fight after not about that but the guy was saying that I was fat and what not and I know I aint skinny but he was bigger than me. Some guys are so stupid. Lucky I found a good one that we are going to be together for a while maybe even marriage, but its not time to be thinking about that yet Slime-O-Meter 1.00 out of 5 slimes Add your vote! How many slimes does this ex rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Tales Disclaimer: All tales are submitted by anonymous users and can be assumed to be complete fabrications from these users. RomanceClass.com removes all identifying information and is not responsible for the stories that are shared here. The stories are for entertainment purposes only.
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