Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
It all disappears


You'll never know how I feel. I trusted you, I even fell for you, and that's never happened before. I was scared to say it, and looking back, I'm glad I didn't.

How could you, after being away for one night, sleep with someone else. When I came across that conversation by accident, my world fell apart. I have never been so hurt, so sad. Telling you that I knew was the hardest thing.

I remember you talking to me about your friend who cheated on her boyfriend and how you said it was wrong. How if you really like someone, then you should only be with that person. I knew you would never do something like that. But apparently not.

I understand you were drunk and that you didn't mean it, but it still doesn't change it. Accident or not, I'm hurt. At the same time, I miss you so much. I miss cuddling with you and spending the night in your dorm. Making the little pizzas and eating ice cream. I miss your beautiful green eyes and your lovely smile. I remember looking you in your eyes seeing that you really did care for me. I have never had anyone do that. I've never had anything like this.

I remember you telling me one night when I was asleep that you liked me a lot...that you might even loved me. That brought the warmest feeling. And then I remember what you did, and it all disappears.


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