Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
Everyone makes mistakes

My ex and I broke up about 7 months ago, at the time, he told me he was going through a lot and he just needed space. I later found out that he was in a new realationship because he had gotten someone else pregnant. I was very hurt and refused to speak to him even though he tried to contact me in various ways (text messeges,computer emails, phone calls). I eventually did give in and now we are talking again. He's told me that he and the girl are not in a realationship anymore and she is no longer pregnant. I personally think her being pregnant was a story she told to snatch my man from under me but guess what BITCH he's back. He knows where home is and it definatly wasn't with you. We were made for each other and I think he deserves a second chance. If u love someone and u think they are worth it, give them seconds chances, everyone makes mistakes.


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