Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
Big fight

Last year I dated a guy who had a HUGE crush on my for 3 years, in that time we both had girlfriends and boyfriends but he always comes back and tells me he likes me so I decided to give him a chance. He was a girl magnet at school and so when we dated it was like a tidal rush through the school and some girls started getting bitchy. After we've dated for four months, he wouldn't even make a move and barely talks to me at school [EVEN WHEN WE'RE IN THE SAME CLASSES ALL THE TIME] and when we date he would tell some friends to tag along! So I decided that I've wasted enough time and broke up with him. Then he comes back and keeps asking me to come back together and so yeah, another chance. He became much more intimate but then he has a MAJOR trust issue and he hates it when I talk to other guys, even his older brother! So after a huge fight he dumped me. Then a few months after that, his bestfriend asked me to be his girlfriend. I decided to say yes because I had a crush on him but I also was worried about the other guy. Then on a night we were at a party and my ex saw me and his bestfriend cuddle he went outside and had a big fight with him. After that he confessed to everyone we know that he still likes me! And so half the people I know thinks that I'm cheating on me now-bf!


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